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April 11th, 2019

Is Synthetic Turf Safe?

Is Synthetic Turf Safe?

The word "synthetic" sounds like something made from chemicals, and for the most part it's true, however, today's synthetic turf formulas are very safe.

Synthetic turf has been around for decades now, and was first made by Chemstrand Company in the 1960's. Since it was first introduced, it has been improved and tested to produce a better product that can be used for a wide range of applications. The latest synthetic turf products are made to be safe for human skin when interacting directly, as well as for eyes, lungs and reproductive systems.

Is synthetic turf safe for everyone?

Yes. Synthetic turf is safe for adults, kids, pregnant women and pets. Modern synthetic grass material is also less abrasive and more similar to natural grass than the early material composites.

Although the early versions of synthetic turf composits were questionable, the current turf composits have been proven safe through many studies. It's not only safe, but it's natural appearance has made it so popular that artificial turf is in demand for many different applications, including athletic events, playground activities, residential/commercial lawns and more.

Synthetic turf is resistant to human activities such as contact sports and natural whether elements, and is now more wear-resistant and water resistant than ever. Overall, synthetic turf is projected to stand the test of time through it's resilient nature.


Premier Artificial Turf
11237 Pellicano Dr.
El Paso, TX



"We want to exceed your expectations!"